We at NeenOpal follow a 4+1 step process to develop dashboards for a client. We believe that the key for creating an effective dashboard is in the methodology of the process, by following the systematic steps that we have created we can deliver that perfect dashboard to take your data-driven decisions.
Before diving into the steps we recommend clients to share sample files of their existing reports or a list of KPIs they are interested to have in dashboards ➨ This would help our team pre-read before the meeting and expedite the process.
Step 1: Requirement Gathering
Process | Responsiblity |
Detailed discussion on the project requirements: data source, KPIs, project duration, overall business understanding, end users, etc. | Jointly |
We apply our expertise and knowledge and share the integrated requirements (ones specified by business + other useful additions based on prior experience) | NeenOpal |
Sign off on Requirement Gathering | Client |
This process is expected to take 2-3 rounds of discussion to complete the requirement gathering process.
Step 2: Mock Dashboards / Wireframe Development
Process | Responsiblity |
Once we gather all the requirement ➨ Mock dashboard development process | NeenOpal |
Feedback on dashboard wireframeFeedback on dashboard wireframe | Client |
Incorporating feedback and other changes | NeenOpal |
Sign off on dashboard wireframes | Client |
Mock dashboards / Wireframe development process usually takes 1-2 rounds of feedback.
Step 3: Business Logic/Formula Mapping
Process | Responsiblity |
Once the mock dashboard is created and finalized, Discussion on KPI list to know the tables and columns to fetch the data including business logic/formulas for each. | Jointly |
Share compiled document for formulas/business logic | NeenOpal |
Sign off on formulas/logic | Client |
Step 4: Final Data Integrated Dashboard Development
Process | Responsiblity |
After formulating all the KPIs and Logics ➨ Live Dashboard Development Process | NeenOpal |
Provide sample excel reports for numbers checking, if available | Client |
Internal checking of dashboard numbers | NeenOpal |
1st round of number checking | Client |
Incorporating number mismatch feedback, if any | NeenOpal |
The final data integrated dashboard development process is expected to take around 1-2 rounds to complete the numbers and accuracy checking process.
Step 5: Data Warehousing / ETL Phase
This step is applicable only if data comes through a database/data warehouse (not needed for data source if flat files, excel files, google sheets, etc.)
Process | Responsiblity |
Walkthrough of current data infrastructure | Client |
Define the process of how NeenOpal team would access the data & systems on which they would do the development | Jointly |
Provide access/credentials for the data sources | Client |
Discuss options and finalize the infra / data flow | Jointly |
Test Connectivity | NeenOpal |
Ensuring data availability, sanity & standardization | Client |
Pull data into data warehouse and create ETL scripts that generates final dashboard input data | NeenOpal |
Automate the ETL process to update the data at the defined frequency (e.g. daily) | NeenOpal |
This process is expected to take 2-3 rounds of discussion to complete the requirement gathering process.